If we have all learned an important lesson over the past few months, it is that having all of our eggs in one basket can be a tough, tough way to go. Use the slower times to get on board with as many AMC's as you can, so that you can weed out the bad ones when the market starts to recover.
There are a lot of good AMC's out there (the diamonds in the rough, as they say), but it becomes a matter of tracking them down. My list will at least give you a starting point, a list that you can go down and start applying for appraiser panels and weeding out the bad ones from the good. With as many companies as there are here, if only 5% worked out for you, that would be over 20 new clients, and that is at only 5%. Imagine if 10% work out?
Buy my list now, and start adding new clients to your roster. Even 1 new order pays for the list multiple times, and after you prove that you are one of the best appraisers in your area on that first one, the orders will start rolling in.